Monday, 26 October 2015

Album Cover

Take That

For my album cover, i have decided to use the group called Take That who consists of 5 members; Gary Barlow, Robbie Williams, Mark Owen, Howard Donald and Jason Orange

I have chosen to look at Take That and their album cover as a part of my analysis as they have a consistent cover of either a neutral or a black and white color, and the five main characters walking. It also has the name of the album, along with the name of their band which is of course "Take That". 

As both pictures illustrates- the band look like they are walking together, it is of a neutral color and the name of the band along with the name of the album is written on the front of the album cover.

This is what the back of a Take That album initially looks like. It has a bold, clear title at the top, and underneath is the name of all the tracks and singles within the album to show the audience and make it evident to them, the name of the song that the album contains. 
Moreover, towards the bottom of the album, it has small images of previous albums that has been released by the band, along with the name of that album. This is so the audience and people who purchase the item has a variety of other suggestions that they may consider purchasing.

Finally, the layout of the back of a Take That album is laid out in a way where it would easily attract the attention of any audience. It has a vivid image of the band themselves, filled with a lot of color, and on top of that is a black background with white and red text. The creator of he album cover has carefully considered the color contrast of the item, and has done it extremely well, allowing the target audience to get attracted to it.

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